Leaving Troina we follow the route of German evacuation. We pass Cesaro, their next line of resistance and head for our accomodations in the resort town of Taormina.

Cesaro, 7 miles east of Troina. Here the German Army planned its next stand.
Another view of Cesaro.
in 2013, neither the grey wool of Wehrmacht uniforms nor the olive-drab wool of the U.S. Army fatigues can be seen in the Sicilian countryside. The fertile soil of Sicily no longer is trampled by conquering invaders.
I look back at Troina some ten miles distant, marvel at it's imposing nature and pray that Sicily finds a way to enter a new era of prosperity.
Continuing on the road to the resort town of Taormina, we begin to notice the grandeur of Mount Etna which can be seen throughout northeastern Sicily. Below it we can see the city of Randazzo. Since none of us were particularly familiar with volcanos, we had no way of knowing that Mount Etna was stirring. During our dinner, we were treated to a thunderous and spectacular eruption of this very active volcano.
Hey - would I give you a "bum steer?" Check out my photo site of the Eruption of Mount Etna. What a way to end a memorable day of touring.

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